Pork 50/50 Trim


50/50 pork trim” refers to a mixture of pork fat and lean meat in equal proportions. It is commonly used in cooking and food preparation to add moisture, flavor, and texture to dishes such as sausages, meatballs, and ground meat products. The ratio indicates that half of the mixture is fat and the other half is lean meat, providing a balance of both components for cooking purposes.

GREAT for doing your own processing at home.


50/50 pork trim” refers to a mixture of pork fat and lean meat in equal proportions. It is commonly used in cooking and food preparation to add moisture, flavor, and texture to dishes such as sausages, meatballs, and ground meat products. The ratio indicates that half of the mixture is fat and the other half is lean meat, providing a balance of both components for cooking purposes.

GREAT for doing your own processing at home.


Additional information

Weight 65 lbs