Pork Back Fat


Pork back fat refers to the layer of fat found beneath the skin on the back of a pig. It is known for its firm texture and high fat content, making it suitable for rendering into lard or for use in cooking to add moisture and flavor to dishes. Pork back fat is commonly used in sausage-making, charcuterie, and cooking methods where fat content is desired, such as roasting or frying. It is often rendered down to produce lard, which can be used in various culinary applications.

GREAT for doing your own processing at home.


Pork back fat refers to the layer of fat found beneath the skin on the back of a pig. It is known for its firm texture and high fat content, making it suitable for rendering into lard or for use in cooking to add moisture and flavor to dishes. Pork back fat is commonly used in sausage-making, charcuterie, and cooking methods where fat content is desired, such as roasting or frying. It is often rendered down to produce lard, which can be used in various culinary applications.

GREAT for doing your own processing at home.


Additional information

Weight 55 lbs